Legal Document Review & Drafting Services

At Narwhal Law and Business Strategy, we provide comprehensive legal document review and drafting services tailored to mission-driven organizations. Whether you're forming a new organization, entering into a partnership, or ensuring compliance with regulations, we offer expert assistance in creating, reviewing, and revising key legal documents. Our services cover a wide range of needs, including program agreements, government contracts, volunteer waivers, bylaws, fiscal sponsorships, and more. With our support, you can focus on your mission, knowing your legal foundation is solid and well-aligned with your goals.

Nonprofit Formation Consulting and Assistance

Program Participation Agreement

Government Contracting/Procurement Document Review/Revising

Volunteer Assumption of Risk/Liability Waiver

Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement

Memorandum of Understanding

Bylaws Drafting/Redrafting Services

Community Partnership Agreement 

Resource Sharing Agreement

Membership Agreement/Policies

Informed Consent and HIPAA Compliance Documents

Stakeholder/Community Benefit Agreements

Event Rental Agreement

Vendor Booth or Table Rental Agreement 

Vendor Services Agreement

Model Release for Photography/Videography

Sponsorship Agreements

Conflict of Interest Policies

Staff Credit Card Use Rules/Authorization 

Non-Disclosure Agreement

Commercial Lease Review and/or Negotiation

Employee Offer Letter

Employee Handbook

Independent Contractor Agreement

Subcontractor Agreement

Feedback/Grievance Policies and Procedures

Joint Venture Agreement

Membership Agreement

Website Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Legal Research with Memo Drafting

DOJ and IRS Compliance Document Review

Insurance Policy Coverage Review