Revisions to Nonprofit Bylaws Questionnaire for existing organizations Name * First Name Last Name Email * What's the name of the organization? * In what year were the original bylaws approved? Location: In what state is your organization located? Has your organization moved to a different state since these bylaws were written? Has the purpose of the organization changed since these bylaws were originally written? If so, please provide an updated purpose. Are there specific changes you would like to make to the bylaws? If so, please describe. What challenges is the organization encountering that you hope the bylaws could address? Some examples may be: voting, board members, officer roles, quorum definition, terms of board, etc Is there anything else we should know to ensure the bylaws meet your needs? (Feel free to share additional details, context, or specific considerations.) Thank you for submitting this questionnaire!We will begin working on your project after we’ve had a chance to review your responses.What’s next?We typically provide a draft of bylaws for you to review and customize before finalizing. Then, the board members will vote to adopt the bylaws and sign it.If you have any additional questions, please get in touch.